How can I use these resources in our class?

These resources are really useful at the moment to teach writing to students because we can use them in order to motivate students write stories using interesting options. We can use these resources in order to make students create a fascinating tale using their imagination. Also, students can choose a topic; for example, simple present, and they can create a book in order to learn about this topic. 

Sometimes, we can use these resources in order to make students read. The teacher can write a story and then present it to students, so students can read the story and put into practice the reading skill. Also, the teacher can ask students to write a story with the idea of present each story to the class, so students can develop the ability of writing and creativity.

Moreover, the teacher can use these resources in order to teach a topic; for example, verbs, simple past, -ing, etc. The teacher can create a story using the appropriate structures of the topic that she or he wants to teach to the class. These resources contain essential and unique options to make writing and reading skill more interesting to the teacher and students.

Why is writing important?

Writing is one of the most difficult and complex skills, but it is also one of the most important. Writing is important because it influences the way we think. It is important to mention that the process of writing requires: planning, reflection, drafting and revising because the process has to be clear and understandable at the moment to establish the ideas in a paragraph. Through the writing, a person can express his/ her feelings and opinions, so writing plays an important role in humans´ lives.

The skill of writing possesses essential requirements that a person has to take into account at the moment to write. Writing has to be legible and logical because the way a person writes has to express in a clear manner the ideas exposed in the text. Also, writing has to be organized; organization is to have a clear idea about what we want to express and how we want to express. Grammar is one of the key points to have a good organization of ideas at the moment to write. 

Nowadays, technology plays an important role in our world of writing; every day many people use different resources to write and express the way they think. Writing is very important because it demonstrates what we are and how we think; moreover, when we write we can discover what we know about something and what we don´t know. Writing not only allows us to write words, it allows us to invent, to imagine, discover, etc. 

Writing is present in our lives, every day we feel the necessity of express our thoughts, ideas and opinions through writing, so it is part of us.

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