martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

Coclusion of the Period

This first period was very interesting because I had the opportunity to learn many things in technology. First, I learned how to create a PREZI presentation, and how to use it. I remember that from some years ago, I wanted to learn how to use prezi, but I didn`t have the opportunity; however, in this subject, Instructional Technology, I could learn how to create a beautiful and interesting presentation. I could learn how to add text, images, links, videos and other important things. Fortunately, a got an excellent grade when the teacher checked my Prezi presentation, so it was a fascinating experience. Moreover, the teacher taught us how to use a useful program called Delicious in order to save links; I think that this tool is very beneficial.

Something that I liked was the creation of a blog because I love to create blogs using the different options that this tool gives. For example, I like to add images, text, quotes, backgrounds, styles, etc. I think that it is essential to know how to use blogger because this tool is very useful when we want to show a creation of us about a topic or important information.

Second, I had the great opportunity to create a professional webpage in a page called WIX. Before to create my webpage, I didn`t know anything about it, so I learned many important things with this page. I remember that I had to select a template for the webpage, also I learned how to add text and change it color, form, size, and also how to add different pictures and images, but also I learned how to incorporate beautiful backgrounds to each of the parts inside the webpage. Something that I really liked about the webpage was the blog because I had to discover how to include information, video and images to the blog, so it was really interesting. 

Third, the teacher taught us how to use and create activities with a tool called ARDORA. Honestly, I hated this program because it was really difficult and tedious for me the creation of the activities. When I started to discover how to use the program was very fascinating, but when I had to create the ten activities as an evaluation, I had to face many difficulties. Fortunately, I could finish my activities, and I got a good grade. I think that this tool is important because we can create funny activities to students.

On the other hand, I also learned about a tool called NEOLMS. The teacher taught us how to use this tool in order to include the Ardora´s activities. I consider that this program is really useful at the moment to include relevant information about a topic and share with others because it is like a network but with an educational significant. I also enjoyed the presentations about the tools because I learned many things about these useful programs. I consider that it is essential to have knowledge about different tools because it can help us at the moment to teach and create activities to students. 

As a conclusion, I can mention that I liked everything about the different topics because I learned many important things. I would like to continue learning more about technology.

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